李哲 博士
2012-2015,清华大学水利系水文水资源研究所,博士研究生,导师:杨大文 教授
2011-2012,美国University of Oklahoma国家天气中心,访问学生,合作导师:洪阳 教授
2009-2011,清华大学水利系水文水资源研究所,博士研究生,导师:杨大文 教授
1. 水文模型与多尺度水文预报;
2. 多源水文观测信息利用与融合;
3. 水文系统不确定性;
4. 水文气象及水文可预报性。
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[9] Li, Z., D.W., Yang, Y., Hong, Y.C., Qi, and Q., Cao, Evaluation of radar-based precipitation estimates for flash flood forecasting in the Three Gorges Region, Remote Sensing and GIS for Hydrology and Water Resources, IAHS Publ. 368: 89-95, 2015.
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[12] Li. Z., D.W., Yang, Y., Hong, Y.C., Qi, and Q., Cao, Radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates in the Three Gorges Region of Yangtze River. J. Hydroelectric Eng.(in Chinese), 33(3): 29-35, 2014.
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[14] Li, Z., D., Yang, and Y., Hong, Multi-scale evaluation of high-resolution multi-sensor blended global precipitation products over the Yangtze River. J. Hydrol., 500: 157-169, 2013.
[15] Hu, Q.F., D., Yang, Z., Li, Y.T., Wang, and H., Yang, Multi-scale evaluation of six high-resolution satellite monthly rainfall estimates over a humid region in China with dense rain gauges, Int. J. Remote. Sens., 35: 1272-1294, 2013.
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